CommunityVotes Windsor 2024
Winners 2024

Main Street Pharmacy Kingsville

Results for 'Main Street Pharmacy Kingsville' in the following category.
Platinum Pharmacies and Drug Stores in Healthcare

Main Street Pharmacy Kingsville

19 Main Street
W Kingsville, Ontario

I am speechless! To all of our patients and customers who voted for us as the number one pharmacy in Windsor-Essex County thank you! 

Since we opened my staff and I have always done our best to put you and our community at the front of everything we do. For you to vote us to the Platinum spot means the world to us. The constant support we have seen from our family of people here at Main Street Pharmacy and Wellness Centre has been incredible! 

To my wonderful staff you know this wouldn't have been possible without your tireless effort and work. Evan and Kim I thank you! 
And finally to my family who does an incredible amount of behind the scenes work to help keep Main Street Pharmacy going thank you for everything you do!
Our assistant Evan, pharmacist Kim, my family and I look forward to continuing to serve you for your health and wellness needs for years to come!
